Tuesday, February 04, 2025

“The Head Case: A Rick Rose Novel”

“The Head Case: A Rock Rose Novel”
Heads up, dear reader. Retired dentist and Chico writer Mike Paull is back with a second Rick Rose murder mystery featuring the handsome, 37-year-old forensic odontologist working for San Francisco’s Chief Medical Examiner, beautiful Dr. Alexandra Keller. Keller has given Rose, a recovering alcoholic, a second chance after he loses his private practice.

A forensic odontologist is a “mouth mechanic” (the title of the first book in the series), “a dentist who uses clues from the corpse’s mouth to give it an identity before it’s buried and forgotten.” Rose is a detective, narrating the twists and turns of his investigation, his sarcasm tempered by humbling experience (including violent encounters).

“So, here I am in 2022,” Rose muses, “after surviving a painful divorce, professional disgrace and the Covid pandemic, making more money than I’d ever dreamed, and getting to spend a lot of time working for Alex. Except for the formaldehyde, it’s a damn good gig.”

The biggest test yet comes in “The Head Case: A Rick Rose Novel” ($15.95 in paperback from Wings ePress, Inc.; also for Amazon Kindle). “Until now,” Rose tells us, “my job had been to identify dead bodies, so I wasn’t sure where to go with this one. There was no body—just a head.” And it was burned, as through fire. Though there is nothing remarkable about the teeth, Rose discovers some unique dental surgery that starts him on a dangerous exploration all the way to the little town of Batesville, Arkansas. It’s not as sweet as one might think.

Rose’s personal life is mixed in. He is taken with Alex, though he doesn’t tell her, and instead begins dating another beautiful woman named Viv after a chance encounter. Added to the mix are homicide captain Mike Kelly (whom Alex is sort of dating) and Jim Allen, an investigator whom Alex had formerly dated (until she “saw through his narcissistic personality”). And oh, yes, Josie, Rose’s ex, who wants him to finance some hairbrained business idea.

Somehow they all contribute to heading Rose in the right direction and to a surprise revelation. It’s a fast-paced thrill for mystery fans with relationships that transcend dental medication.